How good is your business English? Test di inglese

La conoscenza accurata della lingua inglese oggi è fondamentale nella professione e nella vita privata. In ambito business occorre prestare molta attenzione all’utilizzo corretto di termini ed espressioni per evitare malintesi ed errori a volte fatali. Per questo, in collaborazione con EF Corporate Solutions, vi proponiamo una serie di test per misurare il vostro livello di inglese in ambito lavorativo. Test che potrete svolgere durante le vostre ferie estive o in viaggio.

Chi desidera ottenere un profilo di valutazione sulla base delle risposte fornite e una serie di esempi in cui queste espressioni idiomatiche possono essere utilizzate, può rispondere alle domande, in alternativa, a questo link o contattare direttamente EF Education Italia per avere un quadro dell’offerta didattica per quanto riguarda l’inglese in ambito business.

Let’s start!




1 Ballpark figure

A ballpark figure is:

(select one of the below)

A – A messy solution

B – A rough estimate

C – A process for teamwork

D – An estimate that is spot-on



2 Chinese wall

A Chinese wall is:

(select one of the below)

A – A project for which you will be remembered

B – A barrier to success

C – An ethical barrier to avoid a conflict of interest

D – A complex organizational structure


3 Low-hanging fruit

Low-hanging fruit means:

(select one of the below)

A – Obvious opportunities that are easy to take advantage of

B – Achieving poor returns or profits from something

C – People low down in the organization

D – Getting help from someone lower in the organization



4 Let’s touch base

Let’s touch base means:

(select one of the below)

A – Let’s go back to basics

B – Let’s go back to Head Office

C – Let’s get in contact with each other

D – Let’s cover all the points


5 Put it on the back burner

(select one of the below)

A – Speed it up

B – Put pressure on someone to do it

C – Put it on hold for now

D – Put it at the bottom of the list of priorities



6 Elevator pitch

(select one of the below)

A – Take something to a higher level

B – A quick overview of a product or service

C – Asking for a promotion

D – A presentation to a small crowd of people


7 Crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s

Crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s means:

(select one of the below)

A – Paying attention to details

B – Proof-reading a document

C – Running a spell-check

D – Knowing what you have done and haven’t done on a project


8 I want to bounce something off you

I want to bounce something off you:

(select one of the below)

A – I want to borrow something from you

B – I want to see what you think about something

C – I want to take on some of your responsibilities

D – I want to tell you about something that is bothering me


9 He doesn’t cut the mustard

He doesn’t cut the mustard means:

(select one of the below)

A – He is not up to standard

B – He doesn’t speak directly enough

C – He doesn’t cut the unnecessary parts out of his tasks

D – He is not clever enough


10 Blue-sky thinking

Blue-sky thinking means:

(select one of the below)

A – Day-dreaming in a meeting

B – Having a wide perspective on a topic

C – Thinking too much about the overall picture when you should be thinking about the details

D – Very creative thinking











1 – B; 2 – C; 3 – A; 4 – C; 5 – C; 6 – B; 7 – A; 8 – B; 9 – A; 10 – D.








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